
Crown Plaza Hotel Rooms

Group Block Code:  LFS

Group Reservations Link:  Local Food Summit Booking Link

Conference Agenda

Local_Food_Summit on-line registration and payment

Workshops and


Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
School Garden Workshop   
Sustainable Living Workshops
Youth Gathering

Sponsors Benefits
Sponsors Registration


2011 Bluegrass Local Foods Summit

2011 Bluegrass Local Food Summit Presentations and handout materials

2008 Local Food Summit

Bluegrass Local Food Summit
        March 22-24 2012 Lexington KY             Crestwood Christian Church, | Map1882 Bellefonte Dr. Lexington KY

 To find us on the map, click here.
Local_Food_Summit on-line registration and payment

Purpose: We convene farmers, statewide government and business leadership, educators, chefs,  faith members, community activists and all concerned citizens to promote the health and well-being of children, families, farms, local economies and the environment by increasing access to locally grown and processed food in schools, hospitals, restaurants, institutions, groceries, food pantries and by supporting food and garden-based education in Kentucky."

The Bluegrass Local Food Summit serves as a place to celebrate food, learn from each other, and develop common understandings about the links between food, health, the environment, and local economies.

2012 Bluegrass Local Food Summit Outline:

Thursday March 22 devoted to local elected government officials and their staff creating policies and programs that support local food systems in a comprehensive way.

Friday March 23 speakers and workshops: Farm to School/Institution, Food Policy Council, Climate Change and Food, Sustainable Farming Methods, Faith and Food, Food Justice/Health Disparity, Food Sovereignty,

Saturday March 24  1) School Garden Workshop  ; 2) Sustainable Living-Workshops : Raising Bees/Chickens/Goats, Composting, Organic Gardening, Rain Gardens, Healthy Cooking, Edible Lawns 3)  Youth Gathering  on Food and Sustainability- workshops, presentations, work projects, tours led by youth.

Tuesday March 27  6-9pm free film screening of Farmageddon  Central Public Library Theater. 

Speakers: John-Mark Hack of Marksbury Farm Market and Susan Miller of Bleugrass Chevre

Local_Food_Summit on-line registration and payment

Local_Food_Summit on-line registration and payment

Sustainable Communities Network sustainlex.org, embryjim@gmail.com, 859-270-3699


Contact info:

Jim Embry

 Sustainable Communities Network

573 Stratford Dr. Lexington, KY 40503

http://sustainlex.org/, embryjim@gmail.com, 859-270-3699







Greening of Bryan Station High School

Growing Food & Justice conference

Community Garden Tour Report

Gardening with Class

Bluegrass Food Security Summit 2010

Farm to School

School gardens

Food and Sacred Earth Connections

Religion and Environment

Profile of Food Policy Councils by State

interactive map of food policy councils