News Media
Coverage of Jim Embry
Greene Scholars
Keeneland Magazine Isaac Murphy Memorial Art Garden
Who is Jim Embry?
has been a community activist for more than 40 years beginning as a
civil rights activist in 1960 as a 10 year old. He founded the
Sustainable Communities Initiative in Lexington and has spent more than
30 years working with and nurturing young people as social change
agents. Click here to Jim
has been a community activist for more than 40 years beginning as a
civil rights activist in 1960 as a 10 year old. He founded the
Sustainable Communities Initiative in Lexington and has spent more than
30 years working with and nurturing young people as social change
agents. Click here to read more.
We are Each Other's Harvest essay
Jim Embry Year in Review
Stella Natura-Great Work of Transforming
Stella Natura-Cup of Carver
Greene Scholars
Slow Food Equity, Inclusion and Justice Panel
Embry Pres entation on Food Sovereignty at the Parliament of Worlld Religions
Embry Biodynamics Journal Article November 2018
Berea College Presentation
Celebrating Isaac Burns Murphy
October 19-24, 2015
Tuesday, October 20th, 6:30-7:30 pm
Public Talk at the
Lyric Theatre by Pellom McDaniels author of Prince of Jockeys: The Life of
Isaac Burns Murphy. A reception will follow the presentation. Exhibit will be
open in the Gallery. ·
Thursday, October 22nd, 2:00 pm
The KY Horse Park will unveil the newly engraved headstone
of Isaac Murphy with tributes to Murphy and Kentucky 's African American
horsemen. The ceremony will take place in the renamed Man O' War Isaac Burns
Murphy Memorial ·
Thursday, October 22nd 3:30p - 4:45p Interpretive Panel
Unveiling The Isaac Murphy Memorial Art Garden Board of Advisors will host the
unveiling of the interpretive signage installation at the site of the Isaac
Murphy Memorial Art Garden located at the intersections of Third and Midland.
The permanent panels describe the life of Isaac Burns Murphy, describe his home
site, recognize the contributions of other Black Jockeys and pays tribute to
those who have contributed to the racing industry. ·
IMMAG Concept Paper
Friday, October 23rd, 5:30-7:00 pm remarks by Frank Walker
with an opening reception for 'I Dedicate this Ride' will be held in the honor
of African Americans and their contributions to the equine industry. The
reception will take place at the Lyric Theatre from 5:30p-7p. 7pm Opening night
of 'I Dedicate this Ride' will take place following the reception and is
Pay-What-You-Can admission. Exhibit will be open in the Gallery. The University
of Kentucky Community Engagement Office is the presenting sponsor of the
evening. This FREE and open to the public event will highlight the
accomplishments of Frank X Walker, Dr. Pellom McDaniels, the Black Turf Project
crew, and the Mustang Troops. The evening is designed to stop and account for
the past, present, and future cultural and economic contributions these
individuals and groups have made to the local equine industry.
Saturday, October 24th, 10 am:
Murphy Family Memorial Dedication at African Cemetery No. 2
located at 7th and Chestnut Streets
Saturday, October 24th,7:00 pm 2nd performance of Frank
Walker's play 'I Dedicate this Ride' with Pay-What-You-Can admission price.
Exhibit will be open in the Gallery.
EXHIBITION in the Lyric Theatre Gallery by Pellom McDaniels
August 31, 2015 - December 11, 2015
Jim Embry speaks at
Somerset Community College
You Are
Invited To Hear:
event Media Release
Event flyer
Jim Embry
Kentucky-based Environmental and Slow Food
Speak in Nashville
Terra Madre:
the global movement for food that is good, clean and
Wednesday June 17, 6-8pm
End United Methodist Church at 2200 West End Avenue, Nashville
The Mapp/Embry Family of Kentucky and Tennessee in
Conjunction with Chef Martha Stamps (A Place at the Table)
A Multi-generational Family Book Signing, Photo exhibit with
With a Delicious Dinner
Wednesday 17 June 2015 6 PM – 8 PM
Dinner begins at 6 PM ($12 for adults, $6 for children under
RSVP for dinner reservations: (615) 713-7094 and/or
The free presentations begin around 6:45 PM
West End United Methodist Church
2200 West End Avenue (across from Vanderbilt University)
Nashville, TN 37203
more information contact:
Irucka Embry, (615) 713-7094 and/or
Martha Stamps, 615-983-8850,,
The evening program includes:
Twin brothers Irucka (Nashville) and Obiora Embry
(Lexington, KY); their mother, Dr. Deborah Mapp–Embry (Louisville, KY); their
aunt, Ivy Barksdale (Lexington, KY); their father, Jim Embry (Richmond, KY) and
their grandfather, James Mapp (Chattanooga) will read from and sign their
books. Jim Embry will also exhibit photographs from his travels to Terra Madre
and around Italy.
Jim Embry USA Delegate to Terra Madre
On October 15th, Jim Embry presented "Terra Madre: A Blue Print for a Sustainable Future" to students, community members, ...
Watch this video: 2014 Salone del Gusto/Terra Madre Pre-view
This short video describes my local work:
KET Kentucky Life feature
Terra Madre Delegate: I have
been selected to represent the USA and KY as a delegate to Slo
w Food’s Terra Madre/Salone del Gusto held in Torino,
Italy, Oct. 23-27. In total, more than 500 people applied to be part of the US delegation,
but only 240 were chosen nationwide and five persons from Kentucky. So I am
absolutely thrilled and honored to be part of this delegation. Slow Food is an international movement that
millions of people dedicated to and passionate about good, clean and fair food that includes chefs, youth, activists,
farmers, fishers, educators, musicians and business people in over 150
countries; a network of around 100,000 Slow Food members linked to 1,500 local
chapters worldwide, and 2,000 Terra Madre food communities who practice
small-scale and sustainable production of quality food around the world.
Part of my role as a delegate from Kentucky is to
reach out around the state and share my experience with other. This is my way
of “taking my community with me”. These are my speaking engagements and outreach efforts:

Madre: A Blueprint for a Sustainable Future
speaking engagements by Jim Embry:
1) 10/1 UK Gaines Center Lafayette Seminars panel on local food. evening program and bios; Media coverage:
Series-to-teach-power-of-food, program-will-focus-on-food-justice
2) 10/ 14 Owensboro Unitarian Universalist Congregation
3) 10/15 Owensboro
Community and Technical College ( The students are all reading Joel Salatin's book, Folks, This Ain't Normal, and I have been invited to speak as a followup to the campus-wide reading and Joel's talk;
4) 10/16 Somerset Community and Technical College
1 November TBD-Berea
College; UK Design School; Bluegrass Youth Sustainability Council; Growing
Power Small & Urban Farm Conference in Milwaukee. Invite me to speak to at schools, faith congregations,
community groups, civic clubs, or conferences.
Embry Terra Madre Promo Letter
Donate today
Help Send Jim Embry to Terra Madre
My Previous Efforts to Bring Terra Madre Home
Here are some examples of creative
support I have received from friends regarding my previous trip to Terra Madre:
In addition to Terra Madre/Salone
del Gusto check out the other grand projects of Slow Food such as:
For more information about Terra
Madre and Slow Food look at these books:
Food Companion Guide;
Food Almanac 2013;
The-Slow-Food-Story by Goeff Andrews; Terra Madre by Carlo
Petrini & Alice Waters.
************** Director Jim Embry featured on KET Kentucky Life show:
KET’s-Kentucky Life with Jim Embry.
Jim Embry BIO KET gardens show
Community Gardens with Jim Embry
For Jim Embry, a community garden is more than just a source of food
and beauty. He believes that gardening has the power to change the
A social activist since his youth in the 1960s, Embry believes that
community gardening is the most important social movement in the
country. Through workshops, tours, presentations, and service projects,
Embry connects community gardeners—from the private and public sector—to
the earth and each other. Dave Shuffett visits with Embry in Lexington
and looks at several community gardens.
Community gardens are located in city parks as well as on school
grounds and even in road medians. Local governments promote community
gardens as a way to provide fresh food for low-income residents and to
beautify the area. Gardens also improve the environment: In Lexington, a
rain garden of trees and perennial flowers at Limestone, Vine and Main
streets catches rainwater.
Embry, who holds a degree in biology, served as executive director of
the Boggs Center to Nurture Community Leadership in Detroit for four
years before returning to Kentucky in 2005. He has been a three-time
U.S. delegate to Terra Madre, a biannual gathering in Italy for members
of Slow Food International.
**************** *****
Embry Family Book Signiing and Art Exhibit
February 21 and 22, 2014 Lyric Theatre
On the third Friday and Saturday
of February, the Embry families of Central Kentucky and Tennessee are
hosting an event to remember! You (and your family) are invited
to attend the Embry Family Book Signing & Art Exhibit: 21st Century Thinking & Reimagining at the Lyric Theatre in Lexington, KY.
On Friday, you can view photographs taken by father Jim and son Obiora Embry, and paintings by Bessie Johnson. Come back Saturday
to purchase books signed by authors Dr. Deborah Mapp-Embry and her two
sons Irucka Ajani and Obiora Embry. Along with their books,
a family cookbook will be sold, there will be performances by spoken
word artists Tiffany Bellfield and Vibration
Kunvorted and a musical performance by Vaughn Gillispie.
And you can continue to view the photographs and paintings.
When: Friday, 21 February 5-8 PM
(in conjunction with February Gallery Hop)
Saturday, 22 February 11:30 AM-3:00 PM
Where: Lyric Theatre and Cultural Arts Center Multi Purpose Room
300 E. Third Street; Lexington, KY 40508
Slow Food Southern Region Meeting
Slow Food Southeastern Region Leadership Conference Charlotte, NC January
Southern Sustainable Agricultural Working Group
Our conference program is, as always,
loaded with practical information
Mar 12, 2012 ... Lexington Public Library presents an original documentary production on a historic African-American cemetery and the small band of ...
Jim Embry award winner at Yale University
Yale University
Key News Journal Embry on Local
Food Summit
Urban Farming Techniques Will Be Taught at Local Food
By Patrice K. Muhammad

Jim Enbry, Convener of The Bluegrass
Local Food Summit
the United States, in urban cities in every state, people have returned to
growing and raising food for themselves as a means of employment and or
survival. All over the nation, Blacks have been at the forefront of the urban
farming movement and Lexington is no exception.
Embry has been educating people world wide and working to build gardens across
the Bluegrass since 1968.
involvement with issues concerning food justice, healthy eating, and community
gardening goes back a least to 1968 when after attending Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr.’s funeral and meeting Ernie Green of the Little Rock School
Integration movement, I was offered a summer job to work in New York City,”
Embry said. “It was there in Brooklyn that I was exposed to concepts that we
now call food deserts and food justice.”
will lead the 5th Annual Bluegrass Local Food Summit March
22-24 at Crestwood Christian Church 1882 Bellefonte Dr.
The Summit will attract local food growers,
elected and government officials, educators, institutions and other community
members to discuss the food system.
Local Blacks must attend this summit. Even if you
do not consider yourself a gardener, farmer or food activist, there is much to
learn and use during this event.
In 2008 Embry said in The Key Newsjournal that
though Blacks have historically been victims of discrimination and physical
abuse as a result of slavery one of the most damaging effects has been our
disconnection from Mother Earth. “Africans have a strong earth connection and
we must reconnect with that.”
Embry submitted the following when asked his most
inspirational stories of Blacks involved in the new food movement:
“Well the life and legacy of our
esteemed brother and most humble American scientist, Dr George W.
Carver, is my most inspirational story about participation in urban or
rural agriculture. All of the efforts that we see now for local food, organic food,
biodiversity, biodiesel for automobiles, sacredness of nature, eating healthy,
ALL of these directions of action and thinking is what Carver encouraged us to
do. If only we had listened! Now even though he pointed the way for what we are
doing now, he gets little if any credit for this good food movement.
“Now my other inspirational story is that of my
friend, Will Allen who founded Growing Power in Milwaukee [more than] 20 years
ago and regards himself as the George W. Carver of this century. I love this
brother because he is so humble, not afraid to get his hands in worms and
compost and yet can mix it up with the likes of President Obama and First
Lady Michelle.”
However, not all Blacks are on board with urban farming or even concerned about
their food. Embry said, “I feel that the major civil rights or human rights
issue of our time revolves around the food system. This globalized, unhealthy
and commodity-food based food system is what is killing us today. 80% of all
human diseases is food related and African American are negatively impacted the
most. So this should be an issue that is foremost in our minds but is is not.
We should be in the leadership of what Will Allen calls the Good Food
Revolution, but we are not! It is troublesome that we seem to have little
concern for something that is so devastating to us a people.”
Embry is looking forward to welcoming more Blacks
from Central Kentucky to the event this year. “Caring about food has spiritual,
economic, cultural incentives,” explains Embry. “On a spiritual, Christian,
Islamic and Jewish faiths have within the sacred texts passages about
humans being made from clay or dirt or what we call compost. Working to plant,
grow, harvest, eat and compost is all spiritual work. Economically we can save
money on food expenses by planting some of our own food. Culturally, we should
regard our bodies as temples and should then consume the kinds of foods
that are deserving of being in a temple. Eating is an agricultural act.
So since everyone eats then we should be concerned about our relationship with
food. I encouraged our [community] in Central KY to get involved in the good
food revolution, grow a garden and attend the Bluegrass Local Food Summit. This
Summit will provide inspirational speakers, workshops on gardening, composting,
films and much more.
Key Conversations Radio has partnered with Pepsi to sponsor a Rain
Barrel Workshop during the Summit on Saturday, March 24. Participants will
build a rain barrel and leave with it, ready to catch fresh water for
gardening. The $20 workshop cost will be a contribution to SustainLex.
For more information contact Jim Embry at or see this workshop ad on page 12 of the march 1st issue of
the Key Newsjournal.
Short URL:
Jim Embry Black History Month Photo Exhibit
Ky. Voices: Ways to encourage sustainability,
Jim Embry,
Director of Sustainable Communities Network named
finalist in Education
believes that community
gardening is the most important social movement in the country. "The
climate is changing and that is because we are disconnected from the
he says. With a lifetime of experience as a social activist, Jim is now
to connect community gardeners to the earth — and to each
"In the garden, adults and even very young children,
learn about patience
and discovery and not to be afraid. Gardens teach citizenship and
stewardship," he said. "For the last generation, the focus has been
on computer literacy; now it's time for the focus to be on
Read the full story: 1st Place: Jim
Embry, Lexington, KY