Sustainable Communities Network is a  commnity-based  non-profit organization located in Lexington, Ky that endeavors to educate, inspire, build, create and empower sustainable cities

Donations are welcome

2011 Fundraising Letter
with highlights of our work in 2010



We encourage you to read our

SCN Annual Report 2009

Back 2 Nature project Report

Youth GreenCorps Report

GROWLEX Community Garden Manual

God's Worms

God's Worms doc

IMMAG Concept Paper

SCN Presentations

School Garden Workshop

Sustainable World Sourcebook

Sustainable Communities Network contributed articles, photographs and quotes for this book.


Join the Bluegrass garden network!

For list of current Community Gardens  in Lexington,





Good Foods  Market & Café 

Film Series 2010-2014

Good Foods Market & Cafe • 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Every Day
455 Southland Drive • Lexington, Kentucky 40503 • 859-278-1813

Good Foods Board of Directors constantly strives to increase its outreach to Owners. As a result, the Good Foods Film Series was launched February 2010 . Films and speakers are chosen to stimulate discussion and increase awareness on issues concerning food, health, energy and the environment with an emphasis on social justice. We strive to bring various sectors of our community together to strengthen our cooperative movement. Owners are invited to attend and actively be involved in the planning and film selection meetings.

2014 film schedule

Wings of Life
From DisneyNature, Wings of Life is a stunning adventure full of intrigue, drama and
mesmerizing beauty. Narrated by Meryl Streep, this intimate and unprecedented look
at butterflies, hummingbirds, bees, bats and flowers is a celebration of life, as a third
of the world’s food supply depends on these incredible – and increasingly threatened –
Saturday, February 22, 1 – 5 pm, Central Public Library
Movie: 1 – 2:20 pm Speaker: 2:20 – 5 pm
(recommended as matinée for children as well as adults)
Jason R. Courter, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology, Malone University. Title:
“Unlocking the Mysteries of Hummingbird Migration with Emerging Networks of
Citizen Science Data.”
Monday, February 24th, 6:30 – 9 pm, Central Public Library
Movie: 6:30 – 7:50 pm Speakers: 7:50 – 9 pm
Tammy Horn, Ph.D., President of Eastern Apiculture Society and Kentucky State
Beekeepers Association, www.ksbabeekeeping.org/
Tony Brusate, President Buckley Hills Audubon Society, www.buckleyhills.org/
Eastern Apiculture Society, Kentucky State Beekeepers Association, Buckley Hills
Audubon Society and Wild Ones will have displays, including beehive boxes,
outside theatre.

Food For Change
Tuesday, March 25, 6:30 – 9 pm, Central Public Library
Movie: 6:30 – 7:54 pm Speakers: 7:54 – 9 pm
Food For Change focuses on food co-ops as a force for dynamic social and economic
change in American culture. The movie tells the story of the cooperative movement in
the U.S. through interviews, rare archival footage and commentary by the filmmaker
and social historians. This is the first film to examine the important historical role
played by food co-ops, their pioneering quest for organic foods and their current
efforts to create regional food systems enhancing local economies and food security.
Anne Hopkins, General Manager, Good Foods Market & Café.
Claire Carpenter, Chairperson, Good Foods Board of Directors Nominating
Committee, past Board of Directors


Bringing It Home
Tuesday, April 22, 6:30 – 9 pm, Central Public Library
Movie: 6:30 – 7:22 pm Speakers: 7:22 – 9 pm
Bringing It Home tells the story of industrial hemp, past, present and future and a global
industry that includes food products, bio-plastic, textiles, building materials, auto parts,
fuel and more. To date, nineteen states have passed pro-hemp legislation, including
Kentucky. This film educates how industrial hemp can help farmers replace crops like
tobacco while creating a sustainable economy with more energy efficient homes,
thousands of non-toxic products and healthier air, water, food and soil.
Craig Lee, Commissioner, Kentucky Industrial Hemp Commission.
Obiora Embry, Eco-Conscious Consultant, Industrial Engineer, Author, Food Grower,
and Hemp Activist. www.greenpeople.org/listing/EConsulting-57183.cfm
Roger Ford, President Patriot Bioenergy Corporation. www.patriotbioenergy.com
David Hadland, President, Kentucky Hemp Growers Cooperative Association.

The Economics of Happiness
Tuesday, May 27, 6:30 – 9 pm, Central Public Library
Movie: 6:30 – 7:38 pm Speaker: 7:38 – 9 pm
In this film we hear from a chorus of voices from six continents, including Vandana Shiva,
Bill McKibben, David Korten, Samdhong Rinpoche, Helena Norberg-Hodge, Michael
Shuman, Zac Goldsmith and Keibo Oiwa. They tell us that climate change and peak oil
give us little choice: we need to localize, to bring the economy home. The good news
is that as we move in this direction we will begin not only to heal the earth but also to
restore our own sense of well-being. The Economics of Happiness challenges us to restore
our faith in humanity, challenges us to believe that it is possible to build a better world.
Ernest Yanarella, Ph.D., University of Kentucky Professor and Chair of Political Science
Department. He serves as Associate Director of the Center for Sustainable Cites and
Director of Environmental Studies Program in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Unacceptable Levels
Tuesday, June 24, 6:30 – 9 pm, Central Public Library
Movie: 6:30 – 7:50 pm Speaker: 7:50 – 9 pm
Over 80,000 chemicals flow through our system of commerce, and many are going
straight into our bodies. What chemicals are going in our body? How did they get there?
What can we do about it? Unacceptable Levels explores these issues through the eyes of
a father (Ed Brown) and his personal journey as he interviews top minds in the fields of
science, advocacy, and law. The film poses challenges to our companies, our government,
and our society to do something about a nearly-unseen threat with the inspired
knowledge that small changes can generate a massive impact.
David Atwood, Ph.D., chemist and head of University of Kentucky’s Environmental
and Sustainability Studies.


Peaceable Kingdom: http://www.peaceablekingdomfilm.org/ January 22, Central Library Theatre, 6-9pm. A riveting story of transformation and healing, Peaceable Kingdom explores the awakening conscience of several people, including Mad Cowboy Howard Lyman, who grew up in the traditional farming culture and who have now come to question the basic assumptions of their way of life. Presented through a woven tapestry of memories, music, and life-altering moments, the film provides insight into the farmers’ connections with the animals under their care.  

                 Speakers: Good Foods Owners will lead a discussion after the film.

                 Fee: Free


Food Stamped: http://www.foodstamped.com/ February 26, Central Library Theatre, 6-9pm. Food Stamped is an informative and humorous documentary film following a couple as they attempt to eat a healthy, organic, well-balanced diet on a food stamp budget. Through their adventures they consult with members of U.S. Congress, food justice organizations, nutrition experts, and people living on food stamps to take a deep look at America’s broken food system.

Speakers: Jeff Dabbelt, Executive Director of Lexington Farmers Market.  Dr. Sherry Robinson, Founder/Director of Grace Now.

Please bring donations for Grace Now’s “Food Drive”!

                 Fee: Free


Soul Food Junkie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8Pgpr5EoVM  March 26, **Lyric Theatre**, 6:30 – 9:00pm  Filmmaker Byron Hurt explores the health advantages and disadvantages of Soul Food, a quintessential American cuisine. Soul Food Junkie explores the history and social significance of soul food to black cultural identity and its effect on African-American health, and the growing food justice movement in its wake.

Speaker: Filmmaker Byron Hurt. Join us after in the Lyric Theatre’s reception/banquet area for healthy Soul Food delicacies!


ARISE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1MCAzQMmjE  -- April 23, Central Library Theatre, 6-9pm. Narrated by Daryl Hannah, ARISE captures the stories of extraordinary women around the world who are coming together to heal the injustices against the earth. This powerful film weaves together poetry, music, art and stunning scenery to create a hopeful and collective story that inspires us to work for the earth.

Speakers: To Be Announced

Fee: Free


GASHOLE: http://www.gasholemovie.com/reviews.html May 28, Central Library Theatre, 6-9pm.  

GAS HOLE is an eye-opening documentary about the history of oil prices and sheds light on a secret that the big oil companies don't want you to know – that there are viable and affordable alternatives to petroleum fuel. It also provides a detailed examination of our continued dependence on foreign oil and examines various potential solutions -- starting with claims of buried technology that dramatically improves gas mileage, to navigating bureaucratic governmental roadblocks, to evaluating different alternative fuels that are technologically available now.

Speakers: To Be Announced

                 Fee: Free          

Genetic Roulette:  http://geneticroulettemovie.com/ June 25, Central Library Theatre, 6:00 – 9:00pm  Never-Before-Seen-Evidence points to genetically engineered foods as a major contributor to rising disease rates in the US population, especially among children. Gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, inflammatory diseases, and infertility are just some of the problems implicated in humans, pets, livestock, and lab animals that eat genetically modified soybeans and corn. Monsanto’s strong arm tactics, the FDA’s fraudulent policies, and how the USDA ignores a growing health emergency are also laid bare. This sometimes shocking film may change your diet, help you protect your family, and accelerate the consumer tipping point against genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Don’t miss this film.

Speakers: To Be Announced

Fee: Free


2012 Good Foods Board Film Series

In its third year, Good Foods Board Film Series features films and speakers chosen to stimulate discussion and increase awareness on issues concerning food, health, energy, and the environment with an emphasis on social justice. We strive to bring various sectors of our community together to strengthen our cooperative movement.


Farmageddon(  http://farmageddonmovie.com/)

Good Foods Board of Directors in partnership with the annual Bluegrass Local Food Summit will present Farmageddon. “Many of you have seen Food Inc. and Fresh. Now it’s time for the next level. Why is local food pricey and hard to find? Who owns your
body? What kind of terror do America’s food police inflict on heritage food providers?
This is strong language, but we live in disturbing times. You owe it to your children to empower yourself with the truth about food safety and food choice,” said Joel Salatin.
When: Tuesday, March 27, 6 – 9 pm
Where: Downtown Central Library Theatre (limited seating of 139)
Speakers: John-Mark Hack of Marksbury Farm Market and Susan Miller of Bleugrass Chevre
Movie: www.farmageddonmovie.com
Presenting Partner: Bluegrass Local Food Summit

Forks Over Knives (http://www.forksoverknives.com/)

Forks Over Knives examines the profound claim that most, if not all, degenerative
diseases can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting animal-based and processed
foods. The storyline traces the journeys of Dr. T. Colin Campbell, a nutritional
biochemist from Cornell University, and Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, a former top surgeon
at the world renowned Cleveland Clinic. Their separate research led them to the same
conclusion: degenerative diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even several
forms of cancer, could almost always be prevented — and many cases reversed — by
adopting a whole foods, plant-based diet.
When: Tuesday, April 24, 6 – 9 pm
Where: Downtown Central Library Theatre (limited seating of 139)
Speakers: Registered Dietician Danita Hines; Dr. Jana Fortner, Naturopathic Doctor;
and Good Foods owner Jim Stipp (he will share his heart disease reversal story)
Movie: www.forksoverknives.com

YERT (Your Environmental Road Trip)( http://yert.com/)

Good Foods Board of Directors in partnership with Slow Foods Bluegrass will present YERT.
50 States. One Year. Called to action by a planet in peril, three friends hit the road. “The
Fillini trio of the climate justice movement, the YERT crew has managed to pull off the
impossible in the world of cinema – a deeply absorbing and often hilarious road trip that
confronts the badlands of our nation’s spiraling descent into dirty energy darkness, only
to emerge along the solar roadways and wind-swept plains into the myriad possibilities
for new power and sustainable living. By the dramatic end of Your Environmental Road
Trip, audiences will not only cheer, but feel compelled to spring to their feet to join and
inspiring movement for change,” said Jeff Biggers, author, Huffington Post.
When: Tuesday, May 22, 6 – 9 pm
Where: Downtown Central Library Theatre (limited seating of 139)
Speaker: Thomas Webb, LFUCG Environmental Initiatives Program Manager
Movie: www.yert.com
Presenting Partner: Slow Foods Bluegrass

Bag It (http://bagitmovie.com/)
This highly entertaining and eye-opening film follows everyman Jeb Berrier as he navigates
our plastic-reliant world. Jeb is not a radical environmentalist, but an average American
who decides to take a closer look at our cultural love affair with plastics.
When: Tuesday, June 26, 6 – 9 pm
Where: Downtown Central Library Theatre (limited seating of 139)
Speakers: Esther Moberly, LFUCG Recycling Center; Steve Davis, Program Director
Bluegrass Career Development Center; and Dan Arnett, Good Foods Market
& Café Store Manager
Movie: www.dosomethingreel.com/films/bagit.php

FLOW (http://www.flowthefilm.com/)
Irena Salina’s award-winning documentary investigation into what experts label the most
important political and environmental issue of the 21st Century – The World Water Crisis.
Interviews with scientists and activists intelligently reveal the rapidly building crisis, at
both the global and human scale, and the film introduces many of the governmental and
corporate culprits behind the water grab, while begging the question “CAN ANYONE
When: Tuesday, July 24, 6 – 9 pm
Where: Downtown Central Library Theatre (limited seating of 139)
Speakers: To Be Announced
Movie: www.flowthefilm.com/trailer

A Chemical Reaction (http://www.pfzmedia.com/ )
A Chemical Reaction tells the story of one of the most powerful and effective community
initiatives in the history of North America. It started with one lone voice in 1984. Dr. June
Irwin, a dermatologist, noticed a connection between her patients’ health conditions
and their exposure to chemical pesticides and herbicides. With relentless persistence she
brought her concerns to town meetings to warn her fellow citizens that the chemicals they
were putting on their lawns posed severe health risks and had unknown side effects on the
When: Tuesday, August 28, 6 – 9 pm
Where: Downtown Central Library Theatre (limited seating of 139)
Speakers: Ann Bowe, Landscape Designer and Mary Carol Cooper, Retired Native Plant
Coordinator, Salato Wildlife Education Center
Movie: www.pfzmedia.com


February – August 2011

February: Vanishing of the Bees http://www.vanishingbees.com Honeybees have been mysteriously disappearing across the planet, literally vanishing from their hives. Known as Colony Collapse Disorder, this phenomenon has brought beekeepers to crisis in an industry responsible for producing apples, broccoli, watermelon, onions, cherries and a hundred other fruits and vegetables. Commercial honeybee operations pollinate crops that make up one out of every three bites of food on our tables. Vanishing of the Bees follows commercial beekeepers David Hackenberg and Dave Mendes as they strive to keep their bees healthy and fulfill pollination contracts across the U.S. The film explores the struggles they face as the two friends plead their case on Capitol Hill and travel across the Pacific Ocean in the quest to protect their honeybees. Speaker: Tammy Horn, author Bees in America and Eastern Kentucky University Bee Keeper (partnered with One World Films/two showings/total 800 attendees).

March: FUEL http://thefuelfilm.com FUEL is the in-depth personal journey of filmmaker and eco-evangelist Josh Tickell, who takes us on a hip, fast-paced road trip into America’s dependence on foreign oil. Combining a history lesson of the US auto and petroleum industries and interviews with a wide range of policy makers, educators, and activists such as Woody Harrelson, Sheryl Crow, Neil Young and Willie Nelson. Animated by powerful graphics, FUEL looks into our future offering hope via a wide-range of renewable energy and bio-fuels. Winner of the Sundance Audience Award.

Speaker: Dr. Bruce Pratt, Director of CRAFT, Eastern Kentucky University.


April: Burning the Future http://www.burningthefuture.org/show.asp?content_id=14089 Coal in America examines the explosive conflict between the coal industry and residents of West Virginia. Confronted by emerging “clean coal” energy policies, local activists watch a world blind to the devastation caused by coal's extraction. Faced with toxic ground water and the obliteration of 1.4 million acres of mountains, our heroes launch a valiant fight to arouse the nation's help in protecting their mountains, saving their families, and preserving their way of life. Speakers: Fr. John S. Rausch, Catholic Committee of Appalachia; Lane Boldman, Mountaintop Removal Committee Cumberland Chapter, Martin Mudd, Kentucky Mountain Justice.

 May: TAPPED http://www.tappedthemovie.com Is access to clean drinking water a basic human right, or a commodity that should be bought and sold like any other article of commerce? From the producers of Who Killed the Electric Car, this documentary is an unflinching examination of the big business of bottled water and a behind-the-scenes look into the unregulated and unseen world of an industry that aims to privatize and sell back one resource that ought never to become a commodity: our water. Speakers: High Bridge Owner/CEO Linda Slagel & CFO Daryl Husovitz.

 June: The End Of The Line  http://endoftheline.com/film Imagine an ocean without fish. Imagine your meals without seafood. Imagine the global consequences. This is the future if we do not stop, think and act. The End of the Line, the first major feature documentary film revealing the impact of overfishing on our oceans, is filmed across the world – from the Straits of Gibraltar to the coasts of Senegal and Alaska to the Tokyo fish market – featuring top scientists, indigenous fishermen and fisheries enforcement officials, The End of the Line is a wake-up call to the world. Speakers: Jim Tidwell of Aquaculture Research Center &  Angela Caporelli, Aquaculture coordinator for Kentucky Department of Agriculture.

 July: What’s On Your Plate? http://www.whatsonyourplateproject.org/ is a witty and provocative documentary about kids and food politics. Filmed over the course of one year, the film follows two eleven-year-old multi-racial city kids as they explore their place in the food chain. Sadie and Safiyah take a close look at food systems in New York City and its surrounding areas. With the camera as their companion, the girl guides talk to each other, food activists, farmers, new friends, storekeepers, their families, and the viewer, in their quest to understand what’s on all of our plates. Speakers: Becca Self, Education Director at Seedleaf, and Gayle Tomkinson, owner of Berries on Bryan Station Farm.

 August: The World According to Monsanto http://www.seedsofdeception.com/Public/Home/index.cfm

Monsanto's controversial past combines some of the most toxic products ever sold with misleading reports, pressure tactics, collusion, and attempted corruption. They now race to genetically engineer (and patent) the world's food supply, which profoundly threatens our health, environment, and economy. Combining secret documents with first-hand accounts by victims, scientists, and politicians, this widely praised film exposes why Monsanto has become the world's poster child for malignant corporate influence in government and technology.

Speakers: Dr. Michael Goodin, Associate Professor in the University of Kentucky’s Plant Pathology Department; Dr. John Walker, Scientist in the University of Kentucky’s Biology Department; Robert Reeves, environmental attorney.


February – November 2010

February: The Garden From the ashes of the South Central Los Angeles riots arouse a lush 14-acre community garden, the largest of its kind in the United States. Now bulldozers threaten its future. The Garden follows the plight of the farmers, from the tilled soil of this urban farm to the polished marble of City Hall. Mostly immigrants from Latin America, from countries where they feared for their lives if they were to speak out, we watch them organize, fight back, and demand answer (partnered with One World Films at the Kentucky Theatre).

March: (no film)

April: Grown In Detroit, http://www.grownindetroitmovie.com The Ferguson Academy for Young Women is an alternative high school located in Detroit, MI. They provide education and resources for pregnant teens, grades 9-12. Many of the teens come from underprivileged backgrounds and are faced with daily challenges that infringe upon their educational opportunities. The Catherine Ferguson Academy strives to provide quality education in order to ensure a bright future for each child. The goal of the principal and teachers at the academy is to prevent the pregnancy cycle from reoccurring in the next generation of infants. Lots used for farming and a barn built by the students lie adjacent to the school. The barn houses a variety of farm animals that the students help care for. Speaker: Asenath Andrews of Catherine Ferguson Academy.

May: Food Matters takes a look at the often overlooked connection between food and our nation's current state of health. With the health-care debate raging, watching this film feels extra-timely and important.

June: Fresh: The Movie is the perfect follow-up screening to Food, Inc. because it shows the flip side—positive change being created by farmers, students, thinkers, and business people in the U.S. today. It'll make you want to get involved, too.

July: DIRT! http://www.dirtthemovie.org Dirt feeds us and gives us shelter. Dirt holds and cleans our water. Dirt heals us and makes us beautiful. Dirt regulates the earth's climate. Dirt is the ultimate natural resource for all life on earth. Yet most humans ignore, abuse, and destroy our most precious living natural resource. Consider the results of such behavior: mass starvation, drought, floods, and global warming, and wars. If we continue on our current path, Dirt might find another use for humans, as compost for future life forms.

August: The Real Dirt of Farmer John The epic tale of a maverick Midwestern farmer. An outcast in his community, Farmer John bravely stands amidst a failing economy, vicious rumors, and violence. By melding the traditions of family farming with the power of art and free expression, this powerful story of transformation and renewal heralds a resurrection of farming in America.

September: The Hemp Revolution, http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/hemp-revolution This documentary explores the Hemp plant’s fascinating history, its thousands of uses and its controversial prohibition. Hemp was among the world's largest agricultural crops until the late 1800's. From describing the production of a fiber much more durable and economic than wood, the documentary discusses hemps multilateral uses as e.g. food products, as a non-polluting fuel and as a pharmaceutical product with much less grievous side-effects than chemical pharmaceutical products. Speakers: KY Senator Joey Pendleton, GOP gubernatorial candidate Phil Moffett, Activist Frank Harris.

October: “Black Gold” This documentary tells an unresolved modern version of the age-old David and Goliath story. The giants in this case are multinational corporations that control the worldwide coffee market. The heroic little guy, Tadesse Meskela, represents the Oromia Coffee Farmers Co-op Union, which encompasses 74 co-ops in southern Ethiopia. That country, the birthplace of coffee, produces some of the highest-quality beans in the world. Speakers: Good Foods General Manager Anne Hopkins and fair trade activist Kim Browning.

November: Deep Down, http://deepdownfilm.org Deep in the Appalachian mountains of eastern Kentucky, where coal is king, Beverly May and Terry Ratliff find themselves at the center of a contentious community battle over a proposed mountaintop removal coal mine (partnered with KET).


George W. Carver compliation

Shawnee Planning

NKU Sustainability

Embry 5th District Newsletter

Embry Key News Food Summit

 Embry WE-are-all-artists

Embry Publlic Republic


bry Speech at Immigrant Rights Rally

Embry Talk at Somerset Community College Terra Madre

Fresh Start Plan  Contributions(Jim Embry) 

Embry Web Articles
Embry Ace Articles
Brattleboro 100year plan

Hip Hop Vegan Group

Sam Levin 2008 Terra Madre

ACE Weekly download articles

Gardens of Eatin

Shovel Ready

Lexington Gardens Grow

Dig It: Gardens Root

HOBY Eco-Art 2009
HOBY Eco-Art 2008

Model of the Year
Closing the Food Gap

Greening of Bryan Station High School

Growing Food & Justice conference

Community Garden Tour Report

Gardening with Class

Bluegrass Food Security Summit 2010

The Great Work

The Great Turning

Farm to School

School gardens

Catherine Ferguson Academy

Catherine Ferguson "O" magazine article

Asenath Andrews

 Grown in Detroit_

Greening of Detroit

Food and Sacred Earth Connections

Religion and Environment

Closing the Food Gap 2008

Profile of State Food Policy Councils by State

Interactive Map of State Food Policy Councils

 Climate Change  portal information

Climate Change Books

African Americans Climate Change:Unequal Burden_REPORT

African Americans Climate Change Ex Summary

African Americans Climate Change Bullard Bibliography

Slow Food Newsletter