Green Tools for Green Schools
Green and Healthy Schools-Regional Summit
Friday February 29 & Saturday  March 1, 2008
Description of seminars and workshops to be offered.

Click here for our poster of the event (will open as a pdf)

Friday, February 29, 2008 - 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Crestwood Christian Church, 1882 Bellefonte Drive

8:00 - 9:00 am – Registration
9:00 – 9:45am- Welcome, Overview and History of Green Schools Movement
9:45am-10:00 am – Break  
10:00 - 12:00 pm – Breakout Sessions                                                                      

  • Kentucky Green & Healthy Schools: Core Content and Connection to Program of Studies
  • The Health & Learning Benefits of Green Schools for Our Children
  • Green School Design: Benefits for Students, The Environment and The Bottom Line
  • Cultivating Curriculum: Teaching through Hands-On Gardening Activities

1) Session Title: Kentucky Green and Healthy Schools: Core Content and Connection to Program of Studies
Description: Do you know how the new Kentucky Green and Healthy Schools (KGHS) program can help teach core content? Attend this session to learn how this new environmental education program can compliment rather than complicate curricula. During this session you will learn how to implement the KGHS program. This web-based program allows students, staff, and districts to make their schools greener and healthier by studying their learning environments. In addition, this session will highlight resources available to schools participating in this program.
Presenters: Kyle Jones,  UK Tracy Farmer Center for the Environment,
Maria Zoretic, Kentucky Green and Healthy Schools

2) Session Title: Green School Design: Benefits for Students, the Environment, and the Bottom Line
Description : This workshop will cover the latest in the design of green schools and will also address the effects of green schools on student learning, teacher productivity and the financial bottom line. Attendees will walk away with a rationale of why and how to design, build and operate a new generation of schools that are efficient, green, healthy learning environments for children, an understanding of the financial impacts, as well as the financial benefits, of implementing sustainable practices into new construction and renovation projects for the educational sector.  Presenters will offer an in-depth look at the true cost of building green schools, through the combination of a cost database and a budgeting methodology for implementing sustainable design. This presentation will also provide research studies to compare the cost of green buildings with conventional buildings.
Presenter: Susan Hill, Tate Hill Jacobs Architects

3) Session Title: Health & Learning Benefits of Green Schools for Our Children
Description: Everyday it seems that we hear about one more “crisis” facing our children.  Over the past few years we have become increasingly aware of the obesity epidemic facing our nation and especially our children.  Asthma and allergies are much more prevalent in our kids than one generation ago.  Psychiatric issues such as ADHD, autism, depression and anxiety appear much more prevalent today than they used to.  The public school system seems to be struggling to support our kids educational goals and the “Leave No Child Behind” policy has become more of a problem than a solution. Where do we turn and who do we listen to for answers? The Green School movement emphasizes an increased awareness of children’s learning environment, including focus on specific building design and utilizing natural and outdoor settings as classrooms.  Many studies show that children respond to these changes in their learning environment with improved test scores, increased attendance and decreased sick days, improved behavior and attention, increased self-esteem and decreased levels of stress, improved physical health and decreased rates of obesity.  With such a global and overwhelming impact, why aren’t we “greening” all of our schools?
Presenter: Tiffany Sauls, The Sheltowee School

4) Session Title: Cultivating Curriculum: Teaching through Hands-On Gardening Activities
Description: School gardens enable student learning through hands-on activities that involve students in the entire academic curriculum - including math, reading, science, nutrition, art, and life skills like interpersonal communication, evaluative thinking, and community responsibility. Through gardening, they healthfully enjoy learning, appreciate beauty, and become thoughtful stewards of their environment.
Presenter: Kandris Goodwin, UK Tracy Farmer Center for the Environment

12:00 - 1:00 pm – Lunch (provided)
1:00 - 3:00 pm – Breakout Sessions

  • From Field to Table: Supporting Local Food Farmers
  • School Recycling: Tour of LFUCG Recycling Center
  • Raising Your IEQ: Indoor Environmental Air Quality & Student Performance
  • Rain Water Harvesting

1) Session Title: From Field to Table – Supporting Local Food Farmers
Description: Did you know that food travels an average of 1200 miles to reach your kitchen? With an abundance of fresh, locally grown food right at our back door, small changes in food buying habits can greatly impact a community and its economic development! But more importantly, when kids eat fruits and veggies that taste ripe, fresh, and delicious, they are likely to eat them again! This workshop is an overview of the Farm to School “toolkit”, and will explore many ways to make the connection between  the farm, classroom, and cafeteria by using the Kentucky Proud program.
Presenter: Sara Williamson, Kentucky Department of Agriculture. 

2) Session Title: Raising your IEQ: Indoor Environmental Quality and Student Performance
Description: Studies investigating classroom environmental conditions (IEQ) were conducted in various national school districts that demonstrated an association between improved IEQ and academic performance. This presentation focuses on steps that schools can take to improve IEQ and the resultant benefits to the learning environment (associated student test scores) that can be expected. In addition, attendees will learn the practical and economic aspects of what schools can do on their own to improve IEQ, and will receive a copy of the EPA toolkit, Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools.
Presenter: Elizabeth Schmitz, Kentucky Division for Air Quality

3) Session Title: School Recycling
Description: Can this be recycled?  This question is asked on a daily basis.  To get the latest information on recycling join the Lexington Fayette Urban County Government’s Division of Waste Management for a tour of the LFUCG Recycling Center. This workshop will include an explanation of the sorting operation, information on the environmental/economic impact of recycling and a question/answer period.
Presenter: James Carter, LFUCG Division of Waste Management

4) Session Title: Rainwater Harvesting
Description: Our workshop will provide a general overview of rainwater harvesting but will focus primarily on rain gardens and rain barrels as they can be used around schools.
Kentucky water supply planning process has identified that surface and groundwater supplies will not be able to meet future water demand. Water conservation and development of alternative water supplies is necessary to meet our growing demand for fresh water. Rainwater harvesting is an innovative alternative water supply approach anyone can use. Rainwater harvesting captures, diverts, and stores rainwater for later use. Captured rainwater is often used in landscaping, because the water is free of salts and other harmful minerals and does not have to be treated. It is also useful in attracting and providing water for wildlife. Implementing rainwater harvesting techniques directly benefits our state by reducing demand on the water supply, and reducing run-off, erosion, and contamination of surface water.
In many communities, 30 to 50 percent of the total water is used for landscape irrigation. Capturing rainwater for use in the landscape makes efficient use of a valuable resource, reducing water bills and reducing demand on water supply. Rainwater harvesting can also help to prevent flooding and erosion, turning stormwater problems into water supply assets by slowing runoff and allowing it to soak into the ground. Reducing run-off also helps to reduce the contamination of surface water with sediments, fertilizers, and pesticides in rainfall run-off.
Presenters: Scott Southall, CDP Engineers, Obiora Embry, E Consulting

3:00 - 4:00 pm – Reconvene, session reports, future projections

Saturday March 1, 2008  8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Crestwood Christian Church, 1882 Bellefonte Drive

8:00 - 9:00 am – Registration
9:00 – 9:45am- Welcome, Green Schools Movement, Student Presentations
Student Presentations-Students are invited to give 5-10 minute presentations on “greening” projects at their school.
 9:45am-10:00 am – Break
10:00am – 12:00pm-Arboretum Tour – A short walk from Crestwood Christian Church, The Arboretum, official State Botanical Garden of Kentucky, offers a variety of demonstration gardens and educational resources for schools, families and individuals of all ages. Features of this walking tour will include:  A demonstration rain garden, Mississippi embayment wetland, Kentucky native plant displays, invasive plants exhibit, vegetable, pond and home demonstration gardens and a variety of composting demonstrations. Bring warm clothing for walking outdoors and any appropriate raingear.  If it rains it will be a perfect opportunity to look at how the rain garden and wetland areas function!
Presenters: Arboretum Staff & Volunteers

12:00 - 1:00 pm – Lunch (provided)

1:00pm – 3:00pm

After seeing outdoor installations during the morning at The Arboretum, students and other participants will choose one afternoon session to attend from either of two themes: A) drive to Hands-on Projects at local  school locations,  or B)  remain on site at the church for Interactive Workshops.

1:00pm – 3:00pm Hands-on Projects:
Schools in Lexington will serve as Hands-on Project sites where materials and tools will be provided for each defined project. Transportation will be arranged

1) School/Community Garden (Hands-On Project) at Winburn Neighborhood
Description:  Located at the Community Action Council at 1169 Winburn Drive in Lexington, the Winburn Garden is a collaborative effort among the Community Action Council, the Winburn Neighborhood Association, Russell Cave Elementary, Bluegrass Partnership for a Green Community, Sustainable Communities Network, YMCA, the Northeast Lexington Initiative, and other individuals and businesses in the community. Children and adults are working side-by-side to create a beautiful space. Our beautiful mural is the product of the UNESCO Art Miles Project coordinated locally by Jarah Jones and our native plants were furnished by Shooting Star Nursery. All art work and structures were completed using found objects as we stress the need to recycle and reuse to our youth (and ourselves!). We received pavers from workers of the Dunbar Memorial Garden and placed these around trees to use as raised beds.
Presenter: Carloyn Benford, Andrea Tapia, Sustainable Communities Network

2) School Memorial Garden Hands-On Project at Dunbar High School
Description: In the Fall of 2006 our students mourned the loss of a fellow student and friend named Josh Shipman. Realizing that they needed to find a way to not only express their sorrow but to celebrate this young mans life, the Gay-Straight Alliance requested a location at the school in which to plant a garden. While still in the planning stages, one of the GSA’s own members, Jesse Higginbotham, was involved in an auto accident on the way to school on April 18, 2007 that took his young life.
Together with members of the school including several clubs and organizations as well as with the help of many members of the Lexington community, the garden design has been crafted and on June 25, 2007 received  approval by the Fayette County School Board.
The aim of the garden is to provide a place of sanctuary and beauty to the students of Dunbar as well as to the many family members and friends of the young ones who are no longer among us. It will be an ongoing project that will grow and take shape in other directions—providing a place to not only honor these people but also affording a creative outlet and an educational experience. Students and adults will work together learning proper planting techniques and discovering the ecological benefits of using native plants.
Presenters: Jerome Higginbotham, Rebecca Woloch,

1:00pm – 3:00pm Interactive workshops
Glendover School and Crestwood Church will provide space for the Interactive Workshops. Transportation will not be necessary to attend these workshops.

1) Rain Garden Site Selection Workshop.
Description:  Participants will work together to examine site, dig soil, add compost and plants. What is a rain garden? A rain garden is an attractive landscaping feature planted with perennial native plants. It is a bowl-shaped or saucer-shaped garden, designed to absorb stormwater run-off from impervious surfaces such as roofs and parking lots. Rain gardens can be small, formal, home-owner style gardens, large complex bioretention gardens, or anywhere in between.
Why do we need rain gardens?
Rain is natural; stormwater isn't. Government studies have shown that up to 70% of the pollution in our streams, rivers and lakes is carried there by stormwater. Although most people never think about stormwater, about half of the pollution that stormwater carries comes from things we do in our yards and gardens!
Planting a rain garden may seem like a small thing, but if you calculate the amount of rain that runs off your roof, you would be very surprised. That rain is supposed to soak into the ground, but instead heads down the street to the storm drain, carrying pollution with it.
Keeping rain where it falls, by putting it into a beautiful rain garden, is a natural solution. You not only get a lovely garden out of it, you have the added benefit of helping protect our rivers, streams and lakes from stormwater pollution. You can be part of a beautiful solution!
Presenters: Scott Southall,  CDP Engineers; Obiora Embry,  EC Consulting

2) Garden Planning & Design – Using the Garden as an Integrated Context for Learning
Description:  Gardeners know, and research confirms, that nurturing plants is good for us: attitudes toward health and nutrition improve, kids perform better at school, and community spirit grows. Join the celebration and help to make America a greener, healthier, more livable place by learning how to plan/design and implement a garden suitable for your home, school, church, community organization and the many ways to maximize the benefits for all the users.  Learn tips and techniques from expert gardeners! Get curriculum materials for schools; learn how to develop wildlife habitats for your school or home; and get materials to support using the garden as a place for learning. People should bring gardening/work gloves if they have them and dress for the weather.
Presenters: Kandris Goodwin, UK Tracy Farmer Center for the Environment
Mary Carol Cooper,  Kentucky Fish & Wildlife Resources
Jamie Dockery,  Fayette County Cooperative Extension Office

3) Easy-To-Do Schoolyard Composting Demonstration, Related Lessons, Core Content Connections
Description:  Learn composting by constructing a pile on site during this workshop.  This is composting made easy especially for location on school grounds.  This system uses hot composting and will produce finished compost in 6-7 weeks, an ideal fit for a class project.  Students can contribute their own food/yard waste to the pile, observe physical changes in the pile, and record internal temperature changes.  Compost could be used to plant a spring school garden.  For those interested in starting a more permanent, school-wide compost program, this workshop will provide ideas for diverting and composting school cafeteria waste year-long.  Participants will receive a how-to guide plus instruction on how composting is especially suited to teaching core content in science (bio-cycles, decomposition, biotic and abiotic factors, mass, thermophilic reactions) and practical living (the 3R’s). Wear comfortable clothes.
Presenter: Wendy Ciegelski, Bluegrass Pride

3:00 - 4:00 pm – Reconvene, session reports, future projections

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