Sustainable Communities Network is a  commnity-based  non-profit organization located in Lexington,Ky that endeavors to educate, inspire, build, create and empower sustainable cities

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We encourage you to read our

SCN Annual Report 2009

Back 2 Nature project Report

Sustainable Communities Network contributed articles, photographs and quotes for this book.


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Bluegrass Food Security Summit

"Growing Healthy Food, People and Community"

March 18 & 19, 2010

Crestwood Christian Church

182 Bellefonte Dr.

Lexington, KY


Recognition that in Kentucky, agriculture is a critically important
industry; that hunger is a serious problem facing many families; that
access to affordable, fresh and nutritious food is a serious problem,
especially affecting children; that agricultural and ecological literacy for our youth is essential; that faith congregations have significant roles to play, and that there are significant
environmental, health and economic benefits to the State and its residents
from expanding agricultural production. At no time in recent history are
these matters more prevalent in society than present


Designed to catalyze change in the food system of Kentucky that will develop greater urban and rural partnerships resulting in agricultural development opportunities, sustainable communities, greater access to healthy food, and vibrant local economies.


1.   We have the people, land and climate needed to produce fresh, affordable, and healthy food.

2.   Our growing community of producers and consumers can create strong local food systems, reduce use of fossil fuels, and create businesses and jobs.

3.   Vibrant local and regional agriculture generates wealth in communities, establishes healthy environments for families, and enhances quality of life for all.


Our goal . . .

To move as quickly as possible to expand and create active collaborations that build local and regional food systems which enhance local and regional economies and protect the health of our ecosystems. Local and regional food systems are both an immediate goal and a springboard to further action.

Additional Summit goals:

·         To raise awareness and understanding in the Commonwealth of the need to improve Kentucky's food security; 

·         To help people in different professions to make connections and discuss

possibilities for new policies, research, pilot projects, or other actions to improve Kentucky's food security;

·         To explore the need for a stakeholder "round table" or state-level Food Policy Council to develop an integrated food security strategy for Kentucky.

·         To provide  entry points for people of faith to work together to make important connections between our food systems, our lifestyles, social justice, environmental stewardship and, respect and care for the created order.

·         To provide opportunities for teachers and students to network and build collaborative relationships that enhance the educational impact on food systems



Kentucky’s food  system  is  a  broad,  dynamic  enterprise. Developments  in  the  food      system  are  driven  by  consumers,  industry,  agribusiness,  small   farms,  universities, regulatory agencies, and local government.  The sustainability of the food system will       depend  on  the  ability  of  these  groups  to  collaborate and help  define  decisions  made  today  that  will  certainly affect tomorrow’s opportunities.   

This Summit has been developed to offer the opportunity for individuals from diverse  food  system  backgrounds  to  openly  discuss  issues  affecting  the  sustainability  of  Kentucky’s food system.  Summit participants will have the opportunity to discuss food, nutrition, health, medicine, education,  faith connections, policy, education and environmental trends that will  shape the future food  system.    A  summary  report  of  the  Summit  will   be  distributed  to  state  decision-makers  with  participant  questions,  concerns,  and  ideas  to  help  guide  the development of a sustainable and secure food system in Kentucky.



Workshops Tracks click each track for details:

1)Food Security: Regional Approach and Food Policy Council,

2)Food Security: Youth Engagement; 

3)Food Security: School Gardens-" A Garden At Every School in Kentucky";

4 )Food Security:  Faith Community and Food

For Food Summit statement of purpose click here

For Food Summit agenda click here

Fees & Registration

The registration fee for the Friday March 19 Workshop is $45. The Thursday March 18 Recognition Dinner fee is $20. But no one will be turned away for lack of funds. There are scholarship opportunities to cover the registration fee. You can apply by  completing the registration page and writing in “requesting a scholarship”.