Located at the Community Action Council at 1169 Winburn Drive in Lexington, the Winburn Garden is a collaborative effort among the Community Action Council, the Winburn Neighborhood Association, Russell Cave Elementary, Bluegrass Partnership for a Green Community, Sustainable Communities Network, YMCA, the Northeast Lexington Initiative, and other individuals and businesses in the community. Children and adults are working side-by-side to create a beautiful space. Our beautiful mural is the product of the UNESCO Art Miles Project coordinated locally by Jarah Jones and our native plants were furnished by Shooting Star Nursery. All art work and structures were completed using found objects as we stress the need to recycle and reuse to our youth (and ourselves!). We received pavers from workers of the Dunbar Memorial Garden and placed these around trees to use as raised beds.
For more information, contact: Catrena Lewis (859) 294-5249, CLewis@commaction.org, or Jim Embry (859)312-7024, jgembr0@cs.com